Ferman Urias

Office: Mexico City, Mexico
Phone: +52 1 557 1340 881
Ferman was introduced to commodity trading after graduating from his BA in Economics from ITAM . He started with a conglomerate of Barite Sulfate and Iron Ore miners based in the Pacific Coast States of Mexico (Colima and Jalisco). He quickly succeeded in establishing the export logistics to market the initial productions of Barite and Iron Ore to United States and China. Today he is mainly involved in sourcing gold from Africa and South America and exporting it to the principal Gold Hubs in the World. He has developed a stable and reliable supply chain overcoming the usual barriers such as those common fraudulent practices in Africa . He also better organized local miners in South America with a view of handling their lack of access to credit and supply-chain inabilities. He has been an active facilitator in the gold market with Hong Kong and Dubai OTC both Bullion and Bars market. During the 2008 financial crisis, Ferman decided to diversify from gold and started trading Equity on his own account after suffering substantial losses at its current Hedge Fund. He acted as a Volatility trader in the World Stock Options and Futures Market, he developed several strategies for Arbitrage at Spread Betting. He traded Delta Neutral strategies taking position based on sound personal Technical and Fundamental Analysis.
Ferman holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from ITAM (Mexico) with a specialization in Finance He is fluent in English has some notions of French and German
Ferman enjoys traveling , skateboarding , kitesurfing and table games.