Tiago Miranda
Tiago started his career in 2004 as a Representative of a Steel Mill called Aceros Zapla located in Northern Argentina during this period developed the Brazilian market serving the largest distributors in Brazil for special steel products.
After one year he also joined IMS Italy S.P.A.- (International Metal Service) during the period of 2005-2009, providing a bigger range of special steel for the Country's largest buyer´s
In 2010 started to study and make a deep research about Chinese Steel market getting new cooperations and acces to new products in order to expand his portfólio, after that Tiago became a Commodities steel Trader Full Expert in the International steel market. With over 10 years of experience in the steel industry and now a days he´s a specialist in following products : Special Steels (Tool Steel and Engineering Steel),Flat Steel, Long Steel, Aluminum, Stainless series, semi-finished products (Slabs & Billets).
After that he started to expand his accounts no only attending customers in Brazil but also in Latin and Central America, maintaining strong relationships as well in the Middle East and North Africa. Tiago operates in the search for markets, prospects and potential customers.
Over the years acquired strategic partnerships with major Chinese Steel mills - Private and State Owned, European and Asian private and State owned Tradings groups.
He is currently the agent Yieh Corporation, Jiangsu Tiangong Tools Company Limited,Ltd and has direct access to large Players of China, such as : WISCO, BAOSTEEL, HBIS TANGSHAN, SHOUGANG.
Recently acquired partnership with some Brazilian and overseas minerals companies.
Through the excellent relationship with the Asian market will be possible a ‘’special sourcing’’ if in a particular case a any wishes a specific supplier it wont be a problem then being a differential service.
During his career experienced opportunities in Turkey, Holland, France, Italy, China, Taiwan, Germany, Argentina and Australia. Thus, it has become an international hunter, identifying opportunities, mapping scenarios, raising information and acting with differentiated solutions with partners.
Degree in International Relations at the University Ibero Americana (Unibero).
Exchange and professional work in Australia for 1 year for improvement of the English language - Certification in SELA Sydney English Language Academy (2007). Fluency in English, Portuguese and advanced level in Spanish.
It is a football lover, in his spare time likes to meet new cuisines, cultures from other countries and prepare a typical Brazilian barbecue with friends and family.