Lim Wee Teck

Office: , Singapore
Phone: +65 834 532 36
Lim Wee Teck has 15 years of financial markets experience and is extremely knowledgeable in multi asset class investing, trading and hedging. Having worked through the various financial crisis like Dotcom Bubble, 911, SARS, Great Financial Crisis and European Debt crises, he is well trained as a market follower and is dedicated to stay ahead of financial developments, As a treasury dealer working for banks/corporations previously, he has helped to advise on these exposure that are worth millions of dollars and has provided customized derivative hedging solutions to mitigate such risks. As a hedging solutions provider and executor, he has allowed the banks/corporations to concentrate on their core businesses and reducing unduly financial losses from the various risk exposures at the same time. Also with fund selecting/asset allocation experience, he managed to provide diversification benefits to his company/foundation's core portfolio and yet able to provide a continued income steam to ensure liquidity needs are met. He will seek to find public investments that are catered to meet short term, medium term and long term needs.
Currently a CFA Level 3 candidate, Lim Wee Teck has a Bachelor of Arts degree (Economics & Mathematics) from the National University of Singapore.
Lim Wee Teck like to spend time with his family and do charity work. Other hobbies include jogging, reading and playing golf.