iOS Developer - Work from Anywhere

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Skynet Research And Development Private Limited

This is a work from home position. Please do not apply if you cannot work from home. You could be located anywhere in India. (Preference is given to people from Hyderabad, Cochin, Chennai.). We have team members from different parts of the country. This is regular shift job and you will be working regular working hours with rest of the team mates. This is NOT a part time Job. You are expected to be online and collaborate with rest of the team via Skype, GChat etc.


Job Description:

  • Should have experience in- iOS- latest frameworks, xcode

    Expert in cocoa and iphone SDK

    Good working knowledge on Objective C, swift

    Excellent coding skills and should have an ability to handle a project.

    Good Communication skills.

    Excellent in REST API, XML and JSON Parsing using Objective C and Swift.


Recruiter Name:Jay Kesavan

Contact Company:Skynet Research And Development Private Limited


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