What are the biggest challenges facing Africa (in the 21st century)?

Comments   26

Africa is huge, diverse, and complicated, and with unbelievable human and natural resources....It is difficult to make sense of what is going on in the continent, how the continent interacts with the rest of the world, and how America might best pursue its national interests and the global common good in its relations with Africa.

However, my optimism is sometimes sorely tested when it comes to my beloved birth continent, Africa.

So my question is: What are the biggest challenges facing Africa going forward ?


    "Effectivement l'Afrique des opportunités mais aussi des contrastes aura  trois grands défis à relever à savoir : le défi de l'électricité , le défi de l'industrialisation et celui de l'auto-suffisance alimentaire.

    L'auto-suffisance électrique sera le facteur déclencheur d'une plus forte industrialisation qui à son tour facilitera l'auto-suffisance alimentaire par une mécanisation plus accrue de l'agriculture.

    A côté de ces défis cités plus haut, il ne faut surtout pas négliger d'autres comme la digitalisation , innovation et surtout le défi technologique."
    Concideré comme berceau de l'humanité  l'Afrique est  aujourd'hui le continent d'avenir. Il y a encor beaucoup a batir . Elle beneficie d'une diversité culturelle immense,une population tres jeune et  d'enorme ressource naturelles encor inexploité.

    le plus grand defis pour elle je crois est stabilité politique et economique.

    La démocratie y  est encor enpiétiné  et cela génère parfois des crise politco-militaire

    La corruption a grande echelle a fini par mettre a plat une economie deja au ralenti.

    pour ma par je crois que la stabilité politique et economique est les fondements  du develloppement
  • Antoine Tortorici
    "When you say political and economic stability...Do you also mean fighting corruption?

    And also, what about Ghana, a model for Africa?"
  • Romeo Kamenan
    "According to me Africa facing today to lack of political stability which lead to multiple war accross the continent. In addition,  human ressources in africa need to change their mind and be ready to an huge competition with international candidate....because nothing will be get easliy"
  • Antoine Tortorici
    "Guys, when you say "political stability" what do you exavtly mean? Most of the head of state have been governing for a long time, so it is stable....."
    "I think there are many countries in africa with political stability, so for these countries the main challenge remain the development at all level."
    "when you talk about political stability you can translate that by a lack of democracy. and if leaders have also lasted in power, it is only that which violently represses the opposition. and this promotes a climate of corruption on a large scale. yes, we will have to fight corruption.

    yes in west africa ghana can be a model.

    If we witness today this great migration to Europe of young Africans is precisely due to this situation.

    there is so much to exploit to create (energy, infrastructure ...)

    Africa is a vast project where everyone can play a role."
  • basileamp
    "I agree with jour differents point of view. Everything you mention above need to be resolve for a new africain. As far as iam concern the biggest challenge we need to work on is MINDSET. there is corruption, instability, jobless, bad governing... All those things appear just because african do not think nation but only think about their own blossom and nothing else."
  • KLA2018O
    "La pauvreté est massive et enraciné"
  • Maureen
    Despite being endored with massive natural resources, our continent has not explored value addition. As long as we do not add value to our resources then I think we shall remain under developed..

    The problem of corruption  is also a cancer that is killing most economies and has alot of downeffects including inequality. The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming unimaginable.

  • Macrophyle1
    "The new challenges of Africa in this century is to eradicate the phenomenon of the corruption which gangrenes in all the circles. Markets and human staff are not any more recruited on their value"
    "CORRUPTION= political instability,  injustice, mismanagement and resulting in poverty"
  • delor
    "In recent years the immense Africa has indeed taken an important turning point, it has become the new frontier, the last in the world development, with its billion inhabitants.

    among the major handicaps of the continent at the dawn of the 21st century are also the low level of education of a large number of Africans, the absence of modern production techniques, transport, a fragmented political space, and extroverted structure of economies.

    it is important to point out that with its recent political transformations, governance issues are still part of the great challenges facing our continent. Africa is still living in the paradox of having poor populations living in countries that are bursting with important natural resources.

    Nevertheless, we are seeing considerable progress in the African economy.

    New technologies such as ICT play a crucial role in the social, economic and political development of the continent.

    The Ivory Coast, Nigeria, South Africa, Morocco, Ghana ... are today the countries that are shaking up the economy in Africa.

    How can Africa take its future into its own hands and make this century its rebirth?

  • mikeyo69
    Hello all, 

    In my view Africa's problem  is Lack of good governance resulted from traditional way of leading our continent to eradicate this we need to work hard on  technology so that all the government body becomes filled with educated leaders and employees then we Start using our skilled population all the offices become transparent and rule of law will be respected rather than respecting our old leaders.

    Thank you
  • sigubhu
    "Governance is the biggest challenge facing Africa. The continent is endowed with a lot of resources, and human capital, and it also has a potential for double digit growth economically in the coming few years (which can not be said of many developed countries). If African leaders could genuinely seek the growth of their countries and enact policies that will enable investment and also seek for the improvement of the general population instead of a few individuals who would be connected to the political elites, this would unlock the development potential. What Africa needs more than ever at the moment are leaders who are willing to prioritise fostering a conducive and stable climate for businesses to thrive and who will shun corruption. "
  • Antoine Tortorici
    "Thanks for your excellent comments !"
  • Macrophyle1
    "Thanks to you my dear Antoine of credit note to throwthrow this theme which allowed each to reveal the troubles which mine our continent. What means that the African young people are dynamic and that we can count on them to meet the challenges of the millennium"
  • Antoine Tortorici
    "Everybody highlighted the main issues/challenges but nobody talked about any solutions.... to make Africa a better continent to live in...."
  • Alfayed114
    "Africa doesn't need charity, it needs good leadership !

    One solution to  make Africa a better continent to live in; is to increased financial support for growth-sustaining infrastructure—ports, transport links, information and communication technology—in the leading countries where economic takeoff is most likely, as well as infrastructure to link the markets of large leading countries with labor, capital, goods, and ideas in smaller neighbors.

  • ilich
    "I see there are many ways  to overcome the challenges all well described for you above about Africa. Education and health are good investing opportunities that can be profitable for the community in the medium and long term as for the investors in the short term. "
  • Ammark
    "Corrpution is the biggest problem- it can be overcome by proper systems such as Information systems that streamline governance- this is a major investment opportunity on the continent"
  • claude
    "the biggest challenge is to uproot corruption and to eradicate poverty"
  • vikela
    "Conversion of raw materials to refined products which can earn the continent a better return rather than exporting raw materials.

    Income tax cuts will help boost retained income which is vital for company growth.

    Lastly, capital is expensive especially for SMEs due to their risk profiles and lack of collateral. Thus SME need to financially included by offering them finance at reasonable costs.

    Financial literacy lacks and this affects the level of financial development"
  • Nelson
    First of all, I would like to say that I agree with most of comments made in this forum. although  I would like to emphasize that dispite of the specific conditions of the African continent, will be short to discuss the challenges of Africa without contextualizing them in todays globalized world.

    Ok, bad governance and endemic corruption are great problems...because in my opinion most of African Countries didn´t found governance systems that whereby their population feel included. Most African problems, need an African solutions, not imported models that simply doesn´t fit here. There are some good examples already in Africa, ex Cape Verde, but let be honest is a small country with 600.000 inhabitants...big countries with millions of people with marked ethinc differences...its simply not easy, that is my opinion the frist big challenge...African Models of Governance.

    Second Challenge is getting rid of the " Dutch Disease" , making the natural resources financing the other sectors and not killing them. Fristly investing in infrastrutures...a lot of participants in the forum meantioned about education, which I agree is a key factor, but can we image a good school without proper facilities? Energy, Water...acess roads with adeqauted means of transportation for teacher and students?

    Third Challenge, making Africa attrative to Capital and Brains. Capital knows no borders and it moves to where it found conditions to grow. Brains are crucial to develop and train teachers...that train students. For example, It would be measurable the impact of the imported brains had on the US development?

    With the political stability, and the basics infrastuctures build, Africa opurtonities will shine, then Capital and Brains move to here...and the rest is Economy...it seems easy isn´t it?smiley

  • Abrou6
    "I would also like to add to the comments of SIGUBHU a change of mentality for the African states by privileging the interest of the group rather than the personal interest."

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